Really, it's my blog, but it's nice to have him around to pick up the slack.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
We had a very nice visit to Pennsylvania for Easter. Del and Iris did a wonderful job hosting and we had such a nice time seeing family. I would have to say that the only down-side was that it snowed every single day we were there. WTH?
Only 90 more days until our vacation in Puerto Rico. Somehow I doubt it will snow. Thank GOODNESS!
I will post the pictures soon! But in case you don't believe me:
Sorry you were so cold... You can always move to Arizona!!! :) Although, I am freezing when it is in the 70's here... Guess I have adjusted huh?
Take care sis!
I love you!
Hey! Is that Kat posting? If so.. Hi babydoll! Love you !
Yvette :)
Hi! Yes, this is Kat...and it is warm here too! I need a parka at 60 :)
Love you
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