Monday, April 30, 2007


Jazzercise asked their instructors to make MySpace accounts. I guess they are interested in free marketing for the program. I have actually had this account for over a year as I had created it as a joke with pictures of hottie Gary Coleman all over it. But since Jazzercise asked, and I happened to have one that I didn't use much, I deleted Gary and went legit. I don't really care for MySpace, but I am finding it to be a very interesting way to stay in touch with the people who are my "friends". Also, it was MUCH easier to post my photos and it took only a fraction of the time it usually takes me to stick them up on MSN. I don't care for the interface of Flikr or PhotoBucket so I don't use those much. Soooooo, long story short, I will maintain both places, but will be posting pictures over long as they keep it easy.

Click HERE to see my Space.

You won't be able to leave comments on MySpace unless you are a member, but you should have no problems looking at the pictures. Let me know if there are any problems.

Love you all!


Antonio said...

Don't blog over on myspace, loser. I'm about to close my myspace down.

Monica said...

Why are you so mean? And why are you closing down your myspace?