Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Body Movin'

So, once again, I'm packing up my stuff and moving to another city which I have never visited in my life. A position opened up in Houston, TX in my company, I applied, and was accepted. I have to be there by August 1st.
The new job is really interesting and I am very looking forward to it. Monica is sad because I'm moving away. Carlos is sad because I'll be closer to the Cowboys than he is (Monica, stop pissing him off because I don't want him appearing at my door one day hehe).
So, goodbye, sweet Southern Maryland. I enjoyed your muggy summers, bugs the size of large cats, black shoes with white socks, unpredictable winter weather, and F-16 flybys over my apartment.

Texas, here I come.


Monica said...

To tell you the truth, I don't miss the cat-sized bugs either. Now you will learn what REAL heat is all about.

Antonio said...

And by cat-sized bugs, I mean like Mary, not Katherine.