Friday, September 07, 2007

Family News

If family news bores you, then off with you! The family wants news....I shall provide!

Let's see.....let's just update on each person! That should break things up a bit.

Carlos: Carlos is currently in beautiful Reno for Tailhook. Remember Tailhook? Yes, it's still around...although much more subdued. He gets to hang out with his aviator buddies and reminisce about old times back in the squadron. I just want him to bring us back some cool Tailhook swag! Blinking pens are the coolest! Work is going well and we are counting down the days to retirement! (can you say...pension?)

Monica: I am still teaching Jazzercise like a maniac. I am starting a teen-only class next week and I am excited. I get to kick the mom's out! I am also putting out my resume looking for part-time work. The thing about D.C. is that everything is heinously expensive. It will be nice to have a little supplemental income. Wish me luck. This time I am looking for office work. I want to work with people, but not be a grocery whore. I just got a call before posting the blog....I have an interview!!!!!! TODAY!!!! Goodness, I am already shaking!

Matt: Matthew is getting ready to be shipped off to Japan next month. I have also heard that he is going to Iraq in January, but that is still unconfirmed. Until it is confirmed, I will live blissfully ignorant. Matt just turned 19 a few days ago. My baby...all grown up!

Katherine: After two very long years, Kat is coming to visit next week. We keep trying to figure out what to do when she is here and everything seems to revolve around food. I am certain to gain 10 pounds that week! We have missed her sorely and look forward to seeing her again.

Cristina: Cristina, as well as Amanda, is trying a new sport this year. The girls are playing field hockey. They seem to be enjoying it and Cristina's coach said Cristina seems like a natural. They have their first game on Saturday. I wish I could take pictures...our camera is still in the shop and the other one is broken. Ugh! Cristina is also still playing piano (beautifully) and taking her riding lessons. She is a very busy girl with a very busy schedule!

Amanda: This is Amanda's first year in middle school. She was so nervous! The first week is almost done and she LOVES it! She is also playing field hockey, has joined the drama club (yeah, that's all I need....more drama), and will be singing in the chorus this year.

Mary: Very fat and pretty lazy for a cat. She is annoyed most of the time by Nemo and sleeps a lot.

Nemo: Getting chubby and determined to piss off Mary most of the time.

Constantine: Our zombie fish that just won't die. Try as we might to neglect him, the fish lives on.

I will try to post more often...comments will help!


Anonymous said...

Good to get news about you again. Keep doing it. Good luck with your interview.
Mama Novella

Unknown said...

Good luck on the interview! Sounds like they already liked you enough to offer you the better of the two jobs! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you..though it sounds absolutely perfect for you! You'll be running the whole place in no time!

I'm off to commune with a few vodka tonics and my family! Got my surgeon's blessing to go to to do the rest of the paperwork! :)