Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Job interview....and shoes

Hi Guys! Thank you for the comments Novella and Michelle on the family news. It encourages me and keeps me posting more often! Also, thank you for the comments on my blogging conundrum post. There are even a few anonymous people that read....sorry my life is so boring!

The job interview on Friday went very well. After two hours of sheer panic over what to wear, I spent an hour and a half at the interview. I have one tip for you if you ever go for an interview. Make sure your shoes don't squeak! After sitting quietly and charming the crap out of the interviewer (exhausting!) she decided to take me on the grand tour of the office. As we were gliding along the quiet corridors, I noticed a slight "squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak" noise. To my horror, it was my 13-year-old daughter's shoes! (I don't have any closed toe shoes, so I raided her closet!) At first I thought I would die from was quite obvious! I tried several methods to quiet them down. I tried walking on my toes while trying to maintain a normal gait...meanwhile smiling and nodding at all the people we passed on the hallway....I am sure they were hoping that if the poor girl is hired she would get a decent salary for a new pair of shoes! I realized that this tippy-toe gait was probably making me look slightly constipated, so I went back to a more normal but squeaky gait. It seemed that the longer we walked along the louder the noise. "SQUEAK, SQUEAK, SQUEAK" By the end of the tour, we were shouting above the noise those shoes were making! You can imagine my relief when the interview was finally over. I am sure they were all snickering when I squeaked my way back to the front door. Mortifying!

I was told I would hear about the job by week's end. Hopefully the call will go like this... "Monica, we are delighted to offer you a job! There is one thing.....those shoes....."


Antonio said...

That's why I do not wear shoes made from dolphins.

Monica said...

I have never heard of a squeaky dolphin!!!!!