Friday, October 13, 2006

Halloween is Almost Here!

And to commemorate this special holiday (it's the only day Monica can leave the house and not get strange stares), here's a Simpson Halloween moment for you all. Enjoy!


Monica said...

Cristina mentioned that the video would probably be much funnier if I let her watch "The Shining". I told her to dream on. There is full frontal nudity! Not Jack, thank God, but some hairy ass woman! I don't need to scar her like that.

Eileen said...

Hi Monica,
I left a comment on your other blog - photos! Couldn't for the life of me remmber my password to get into ths one - seem to have gotten over that moment though - lol!
So now that I am finally in... Well, Hello there.... lol

Monica said...

Hi Eileen! I am glad you figured out your password! :) Only two more weeks! Woooo!