Sorry about the small picture, but I won't even remember who they are until they get down to about 10 people.
Last night I broke down and bought these from Amazon:

I am a complete LOST freak and listen to several Podcasts about that show too. I love delving into the mystery and clues in the show. Absolutely riveting. The show starts up again October 4th. I can't wait. I also can't wait for this show:

In case you were wondering, it's Battlestar Galactica. It took me awhile to catch on as Starbuck is a girl and that pissed me completely off. Plus, the idiots wear their tank tops backward. Seriously, I couldn't watch it. But then everyone started raving about it....and me, being a weak person, had to try the drug to be cool....now I am hooked. I watched most of the second season on my iPod. I look forward to seeing the 3rd season on the new TV.
I am not going to work at the second job. I think the reason they didn't call me was because I wasn't too flexible about my weekend hours. I told them I didn't work Sundays and I preferred not to work Saturday. For retail, that's not all that acceptable. It's cool though. My job is getting better as I am becoming more comfortable with all of the processes. I use the drive to listen to Podcasts, and that is very enjoyable for me. I trust that I am where I am supposed to be for now.
Cristina is riding again. I will try to take a picture at her lesson today. She looks so beautiful on the horses. She is in her element when she is there. It is worth it for me to have a job just to see the joy on her face. She also started up with piano again. Her teacher comes to the house. I pay a little extra for that, but to avoid the traffic around here makes it worth it. Plus, I can get stuff done around that house and don't have to sit in the car for that time! Woo!
Amanda is making some very nice friends. She isn't involved in any activities yet (except for CCD), but she is seriously thinking about Karate. That will be interesting!
Carlos is in LA this week, so I am catching up on my television and chick-flicks. We are taking the girls to dinner on Friday and then going to the pub. I look forward to kicking his ass (And Tony's, if he is there) at darts. It is a little known fact about me that I am a wicked-good dart thrower! Sometimes I even hit the board!
My Two Cents:
On Battlestar Galactice, I call BS! You wouldn't even look at the show until Father Rodderick started talking about it. If FR jumped off a bridge, would you go too? Lemming. And not the cute little green ones.
And as for this weekend, I won't be able to come over. I have been neglecting my womanly duties at home and some serious cleaning is in order.
So other than attacking you here, I love you guys and I'll probably be up next weekend. Depends if I feel like it. *BURN*
Alright you little piece of crap, I have a witness that I watched the first two shows. The night it first aired. I loved the original and was very excited about the second one. I cringed every time that butch-ass Starbuck was on the screen, and I screamed fashion BS on the backwards tank tops. Ask my darling husband. Then all of you walked around "Oh! Battlestar Galactica is so great! Oh, you must watch it! Oh, I can't wait till the next show! Then, Father Roderick was all over it too with...Oh! This show is AMAZING!" I was beaten down!
Kinda like Colonel Saul Tigh...being beaten down by butchy Starbuck in the first episode. I still cringe when I watch it.
P.S. We'll miss you this weekend.
I don't know about all of this Battlestar stuff.... Im so not with the times... ha ha !!
But, I WILL also be watching Survivor!!! I love that show!!! Oh no... Is football on tonight??? Ok... well, if it is, I can Tivo one of them!!!
Love ya sis!!
Yvette :)
Jerry and Yvette, I hope you watched the show last night. It was fun! I love the headache remedy! Cristina, Amanda and I were laughing our asses off!
I have not watched it yet.... Boo hoo... I did tivo it though... Hopefully, I can watch it sometime this weekend!!!
Love you!!
Yvette :)
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